Photography as Art

Photography as art is an introduction to the digital camera as an art-making tool designed for students at the beginning level. The course will use digital photography to help students learn and apply the basic elements of art and the principles of design. This course will also provide students with opportunities to extend their knowledge and skills in the field of photography and the use of Adobe Photoshop. Digital Photography will familiarize the student with digital photographic equipment, materials, methods, and processes. Visual problem-solving skills are explored through the use of the computer as the main tool for creative expression and communication. Cellphone photography and editing with a variety of phone applications will be infused into the curriculum.

Living life as an artist is a practice.
You are either engaging in the practice or you’re not.
It makes no sense to say you’re not good at it.
It's like saying, I m not good at being a monk.
You are either living as a monk or you’re not.
We tend to think of the artist’s work as the output.
The real work of the artist is a way of being in the world.

Feb 18

I want to introduce you to Google Sites. Every week you'll post your assignment photos on a site that you will build and maintain. You need to publish the site every time you make a change to it. Today you will publish your site and send me the url of the home page.

All About The Details

Create a collection of shots (5) with unique subjects that focus on the details. Whether the photos are for an engagement, graduation or everyday occasion, you can take portraits of smaller details, like wisps of hair, relaxed hands and prominent features. Making your subjects feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera is the first priority. Plan a single shoot for various angles to help capture what looks best on a given day or moment.
Put 5 images on your site on a page called Details by Thursday.

Feb 10

Today we consider shadows. Light is the basis of all photography, but darkness is often overlooked. I want you to play with shadow. Shadows can add contrast and depth to a photograph, heightening the drama and feeling. Try capturing a shadow with crisp edges, then a blurry one. How does the emotion change in your composition? Shoot six examples and upload them to a page called Shadows by tomorrow.

Your Shadows assignment is due Wednesday. You need six examples and upload them to a page called Shadows.

Feb 6

Today you will use your camera. Choose a color. Make six images featuring that color as the dominant element. Find as many different ways as possible. Upload the images to a page called Color. This is due by tomorrow.

Photographing Color

Feb 3


Look online and find 3 magazine covers you like and post to your blog with a sentence or two explaining why you like them. Then, create a magazine cover using your own photographic image. Include a cover title and a list of articles, which would be within the magazine. Make your cover 9×12 @ 300 resolution.

Post your images on your site on a page called Magazine Cover by Thursday.

Jan 29


Take a new photograph for this assignment, and edit it to perfection. Make a new document 11×14 or 14×11 @ 200 resolution. Move your photo into your new document and size to fit. Add a quote, poetry, song lyrics or your own words to your edited image. Format the text with the perfect font, color, and stroke or other layer style. Post to your site.

Post your image with the poem that inspired it on your site on a page called Poetry by Friday.

Jan 27


Photograph for these elements of composition: leading line, texture, abstraction, repeated patterns, rule of thirds and contrast. Photograph your images and convert them to black and white. Edit in PS or LR and post your top 3-5 images on your site.

Post your top 3-5 images on your site on a page called Shades of Gray by Wednesday.

Jan 21


Create a digital collage based on a theme. What are some good themes you can explore for your collage? In Photoshop, Start with a photo of you, then make your document 12×9 or 9×12 inches with 200 resolution, and include images from the Internet, or images you took with a DSLR or cell phone, to visually convey your theme and your feelings regarding it. Under your collage when you post it, write a short reflection on how you visually conveyed the message you are intending to communicate to the viewer.

Post at least 5 images on a page called Digital Collage by Friday.

Jan 15

Today we're going to explore the pen tool. I want you to replicate the patterns on the samples below. Create 3 new documents, name them pentool1, pentool2, & pentool3. Save them as png files. Put them on a page called Pen Tool.

Post at 3 images on on a page called Pen Tool by Friday.

Jan 14

Today we will make some test images and begin to learn how to edit them. Then we will upload them to your site and publish. Lastly. I want you to email me the url of your home page.

Right click on each image and choose Save Image as. Navigate to your Pictures folder and click save. Open each image in Photoshop. We will manipulate them a little. Save them as .png files and go to your site. Go to the Pages tab and click the "+" at the bottom of the panel. Name your page first Images and click save. Go to the Insert page and choose Images. Select upload and navigate to your saved photos. When all the photos are on the page, click Publish.

Jan 13

I want to introduce you to Google Sites. Every week you'll post your assignment photos on a site that you will build and maintain. You need to publish the site every time you make a change to it. Today you will publish your site and send me the url of the home page.

Next, we will go over the operation of our cameras. Most of your assignments must be shot with a camera. Sometimes we'll use your phone, but rarely. You check them out on the camera sign-out sheet.

Photography terms you should know

Click here for the course syllabus. Save it in your Documents folder.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.